mianki.Gallery Berlin
Gisoo Kim

With her photo collages, Gisoo Kim seeks to create new realities. She achieves this by assembling photographs of very different places and subjects manually – and by deliberately not using the computer or glue.  

What is succinctly described here as “manual” is a technique with which Gisoo Kim has earned herself a very special position in the art scene in recent years.

The pinpricks create traces, injuries even, in her photographs, which open up a new space for seeing. And the thread not only serves to connect the different photos; Gisoo Kim simultaneously uses it to create a graphic element. The embroidery that is created in this way gives the photo collages depth, varying new levels, balances and structures.

In this way, she puts together different places and situations that can be connected in real or surreal ways.

Vita (PDF)

a. d. Serie Baumäste, 2017

Gestickt auf Fotocollage, je 100 x 70 cm

a. d. Serie Gefäße, 2018

Gestickt auf Fotocollage, Ø 26 x 37 cm, Ø 23 x 29 cm, Ø 16 x 22 cm

© Nikolaus Fürcho

Frau im Licht, 2018

Gestickt auf Fotocollage, 46 x 61 cm

© Gisoo Kim

Baumäste Schalen, 2020

Gestickt auf Fotocollage, 80 x 40 x 8 cm

© Nikolaus Fürcho

o. T. (Serie diary collection), 2020

Gestickt auf Fotocollage, je ca. 14 x 17 cm (R. 23 x 28 cm)

© Nikolaus Fürcho

Linien und Räume, 2020

Gestickt auf Fotocollage, 40 x 35 cm (R. 50 x 46 cm)

© Nikolaus Fürcho



Kalckreuthstraße 15

10777 Berlin

T +49 30 364 327 08
